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Practice Tips and Suggestions


1. Schedule practice time:  the earlier in the day, the better.  Divide practice times if possible:  ½ in the morning and ½ afternoon


2. If your hands are cold, warm them under warm water.  When seated at the keyboard, take time to adjust posture.  Quietly rest … calm your body … then begin.


3. Warm-up with scales and/or warm-up exercises. 


4. Focus on one task at a time.  Set a goal. 



           Play the first line of piece, hands together, with no mistakes.

Play the first two lines (or first page), right hand only, with no mistakes.   


5. Practice Slowly!!!! Much slow practice is required to learn to play the piano!  ;-)


6. Concentrate!  Do not just 'play-through' pieces once or twice and consider that practice.  Set a goal, even if it is a short one. 



           Play the 'C', 5-finger scale, hands separate, no mistakes!   

Play the 'C' scale, hands together, slowly, with no mistakes! 


7. Work on new pieces first … work in short sections at a time; or work on difficult sections in previously assigned pieces. 


8. Polish previously assigned piece or pieces.   


9. Review one piece you have previously completed.


10. End practice on a positive 'note.'  Play a piece you enjoy playing.   


11. Keep a practice journal. Write down the minutes you practice daily.  Use a calendar or write the minutes practiced in your assignment book. 


12. General practice rule:  Each at-home practice session should equal lesson time. For example, a 30-minute lesson requires 30 minutes of at-home practice five or more days a week. For young children, 15 – 20 minutes daily (10 min. a.m. 10 min. p.m., if possible).


13. Parents:  Provide a quiet and easily accessible environment for practice.  Encourage! Compliment efforts!  Periodically sit with your child, ask them to play a piece just for you, or share (or 'teach' you) something they have learned.   Praise!  Praise!  Praise!


14.  Have Fun! 


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